Thursday, December 29, 2011


The show Bleach is an animated television show that originated in Japan based on a comic book. Bleach has been aired on Adult Swim from 2006 to the present. The show is about a teenage boy with spiky hair who becomes a soul reaper to exorcise souls.

Fan Art:

Slash Video:

Fan Fiction:
The fan fiction below is a homo-erotic story about two male characters, Uryuu and Ichigo. Ichigo is depressed and goes to a perverted older man (Urahara) to be cheered up, where there they discuss sexual stimulants.

Bleach Yaoi Fanfic Ch. 3

Ichigo suddenly became aware of the time and was up and out of bed, already pulling on his clothes. But then he stopped, realizing that something was out of place. Uryuu was nowhere to be seen and in what seemed to be an empty room Ichi sat back down on the bed. He buried his face in his hands as tears began to form in his golden eyes. He couldn’t understand what he was doing to push Uryuu away, nor what he could do to keep him from running like a skittish cat. Depression was a feeling that was not new to him, and today it was particularly strong. He walked along a street in between some housing tracks and came upon the old familiar shop belonging to Urahara. He went inside and found the lazy store clerk asleep in the back. “Hey, Urahara...wake up,” Ichigo pushed him with his foot. He twitched and opened his eyes. “Oh Ichigo! What a nice surprise, come to keep me warm have you? I knew you couldn’t stay away for long,” “Yeah, nice try old man…what kind of special items do you have in stock?” “Oooh, I know what you’re talking about…here, I have a little blue pill that will give you an erection so long that you will-” “That’s not what I need! I’m just looking for something-” “Oh you mean something to widen that tight space for your enormous-” “Oh forget it! I’m out of here.” “Don’t forget my goodbye kiss!” Ichigo slammed the door shut before Urahara could touch him and he could hear the clerk yelling something about sleeping together. Even though Ichi didn’t like him that much, he still couldn’t deny that he only went to his store to be cheered up, and it worked. A week later Ichigo still hadn’t heard anything from Uryuu, and everyday that passed he grew more frustrated and lonely. He felt so alone, abandoned, and hungry for love…like there was a hole in his chest, and he wondered if this is how the hollows felt. He laid his head down on the coffee table in front of the TV, drowning within his sorry self, wishing that the circumstances could be much different. Suddenly there was a bang at the door, slowly Ichigo got up, wiping his face on his sleeve on the way to the door. He opened the door and stared at the person standing in the doorway. Uryuu looked back at him, his face stained from tears and his clothes were ripped up. He looked completely disheveled and almost frightened. “I…I-” Uryuu tried to choke something out but could barely speak; Ichigo gazed at him in disbelief, stunned at what he was seeing. Desperately he lunged at him and held him in his arms in a tight hug, Uryuu was limp for a moment and then wrapped his arms around Ichigo. He started to cry and buried his face in Ichi’s chest. “He found out! My father found out about me, that…I like guys and he…he beat me and threw me out-” “Shhhh, it’s ok Uryuu, you’re safe now…I’ll take care of you,” He continued to cry and Ichigo shut the door and brought him inside. “It’s ok…” Ichigo cradled him in his arms on the couch and rocked him to calm him down. He gently kissed the Quincy on the cheek and wiped his tears away. Uryuu looked up at him with his deep blue eyes. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I just got scared and…” Ichigo put his finger over his mouth to stop him from saying any more. “You don’t have to apologize…I’ll always take you back,” he said as Uryuu began to tear up again, and he hugged Ichi tightly. This made the soul reaper smile like he hadn’t in months, he was so very happy to have Uryuu back under his roof and to feel like he was shield, a protector. He felt like himself again.

The most popular element of the show in our opinion is the main character Ichigo. The fans seem to be obsessed with him, drawing pictures, creating slash fiction, soft-core stories and more. The thought of any characters getting together and "getting it on" pleasures the fans. Pictures, slash fiction and pornography are typical materials of the what the fans produce from the show. The character that is featured most in what our group viewed is the main character Ichigo, he is seen in many slash videos, art work and pornographic images as well.

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